Week 1 - Workout A2
Second session completed (kind of!). It was a very late workout - having been working from 11 - 10 it was one of those workouts you just don't want to do! - but I know I have to do it and so at 10.30pm I made my way to the gym. After a 5 minute warm up I encountered my first problem - I couldn't get an olympic barbell for the sumo deadlifts! :( Not a problem though - because as the exercises are all done as supersets you can swap the order around aslong as you keep them in their original pairs. So I started with the step ups (I did cross over step-ups) supersetted with the dumbell presses. Another piece of advice - if you start off with a weight that you can do 15 of in the first set but only a few on the second or third set, simply drop the weight down. You will still be overloading the musle sufficiently for adaptations to occur.
Onto the sumo deadlifts and pull-ups combination...oh dear! I said in the first workout post not to go too hard at the start...unfortunately I didn't listen to my own advice! My first set seemed ok, until I checked my form in the mirror and noticed my back was going out of neutral spine (I was losing the curve in my lower back and letting it round - which places pressure on the vertebral discs - NOT GOOD!!). My reaction - lower the weights for the next set. The form was better but there was still some rounding of the back. So my next solution was to raise the bar a little higher so I didn't have to bend down as far. This stopped the back rounding and allowed me to lift with good form. Having done a little research on deadlift lifting technique I came across this site - http://doubleyourgains.com/how-to-deadlift-with-proper-form which explains it all in greater detail. I highly reccommend you all read it as deadlifting is one of the best exercises you can do in the gym!
The final issue I had with this workout was the my grip! My hands cramped up by the 3rd set of exercises leaving me with problems holding the bars. I also had blistered from where the bars were rubbing against the skin. So I would say to invest in a pair of weightlifting gloves to stop the friction rubs.
A real hard workout but again - I feel it was worth it. It's a learning curve this - and I'm still learning. Im feeling good, strong and looking forward to workout A3!
Thursday, 25 March 2010
Wednesday, 24 March 2010
The 17 Week Challenge Week 1 - Workout A3
Here's the final resistance workout for the first week of the Beta Fitness Challenge. There are some additional notes and changes to go with the PDF sent out for week 1 so be sure to check the video out at our YouTube channel to read them! Whilst your there why not subscribe to the channel so you can keep and eye on all the future videos we do!
Monday, 22 March 2010
The 17 Week Challenge - Week 1 - Workout A2
Here is the second workout video for the 17 Week Challenge! Visit our YouTube channel for more information on workout A2.
The 17 Week Challenge Diary
Week 1 - Workout A1
So today was the first day of the 17 Week Challenge for me! And I am at least alive to write about it here. In all seriousness though, it was tough but well worth it. I even managed to get up for 6am to get to the gym before work. The most notable point I have found is how 'awake' I have been feeling all day. Usually, getting up that early causes me to sleep during the day but theres been none of that today!
In terms of the workout itself - the first bit of advice is to go easy on those squats. I think I just about selected the right weights to do my 3 sets of 15 supersetted with the inverted rows. They really take alot out of you and by your third set your legs will be shaking with fatigue. The inverted rows are pretty tough aswell - but by standing at a less steep angle you can make the exercise easier to complete your full set. The bulgarian squats are a killer - I didn't even use any external resistance (just my own bodyweight) and I could feel the burning in those muscles! By the time I got to the plank and bridge exercises my body was pretty much done to the limit! Im feeling pretty good as I write this but I know that the DOMS (delayed onset of muscle soreness) will set in in the next couple of days! Still - I'm determined to stick to this so it's on to the HIIT Tuesday and back to the gym Wednesday morning.
If your taking part yourself drop me an email to let me know how your getting on and any quesitons/suggestions you may have. Until then eat healthy and stay strong!
Paul (Founder of Beta Fitness)
So today was the first day of the 17 Week Challenge for me! And I am at least alive to write about it here. In all seriousness though, it was tough but well worth it. I even managed to get up for 6am to get to the gym before work. The most notable point I have found is how 'awake' I have been feeling all day. Usually, getting up that early causes me to sleep during the day but theres been none of that today!
In terms of the workout itself - the first bit of advice is to go easy on those squats. I think I just about selected the right weights to do my 3 sets of 15 supersetted with the inverted rows. They really take alot out of you and by your third set your legs will be shaking with fatigue. The inverted rows are pretty tough aswell - but by standing at a less steep angle you can make the exercise easier to complete your full set. The bulgarian squats are a killer - I didn't even use any external resistance (just my own bodyweight) and I could feel the burning in those muscles! By the time I got to the plank and bridge exercises my body was pretty much done to the limit! Im feeling pretty good as I write this but I know that the DOMS (delayed onset of muscle soreness) will set in in the next couple of days! Still - I'm determined to stick to this so it's on to the HIIT Tuesday and back to the gym Wednesday morning.
If your taking part yourself drop me an email to let me know how your getting on and any quesitons/suggestions you may have. Until then eat healthy and stay strong!
Paul (Founder of Beta Fitness)
Sunday, 21 March 2010
The 17 Week Challenge - Week 1 - Workout 1A
If your taking part in the 17 Week Challenge then here is the first workout video - we show you the exercises, and all thats left is for you to start performing them! We have added any important notes to the week 1 PDF which you should all now have. For those of you who are interested in taking up the challenge - it is never too late! - you can start this whenever you want and and get on your way to achieving that perfect beach body look! Keep working it hard!
Thursday, 18 March 2010
Body type and nutrient ratios
One search of the word 'diet' on the internet and you will be swapped with millions of different meal plans, diets and articles. So how do you know which one will work for you?! Well some research states that it all depends on your body type...
Back in the 1930's, Dr. William h. Sheldon , a Harvard Professor, developed a way to classify the human physique according to genetic tendency. He came up with 3 distinct body types. These were known as ectomorph, mesomorph and endomorph.
The ectomorph body type suggests you are slender, generally have narrow shoulders and have a low body fat percentage. Also known as 'hard gainers' for their apparent inability to gain weight and muscle. In many cases, the ectomorph has a hyperactive thyroid, causing them difficulty in gaining weight. For this reason they need to consume alot of calories to maintain weight.
In order to gain weight, this body type must take in many more calories than other body types due to their fast metabolism. They tend to have a higher tolerance to Carbohydrates and proteins, with moderate fat intake. A healthy diet for the typical ectomorph would consist of:
-55% carbohydrates (veg., fruit, complex carbs)
-25% protein (salmon, chicken, eggs)
-20% fat (healthy fats such as extra virgin olive oil, nuts, fish oil, avacado)
The ectomorph body may have to eat substantially more than they are comfortable with - this changes as the body adapts and begins to absorb all the extra food.
Protein requirements for the body type should be anywhere from 0.75g to 1g per kg of bodyweight, as they have a higher lean mass than other types.
For muscle gain, extra protein is required as building blocks. Therefore protein suppliments are recommended.
It is certainly possible for ectomorphs to gain fat however - so it is important to complete some resistance training to keep the fat off and the muscle on as this will achieve a better asthetic effect for the individual. They must eat a large breakfast everyday and eat every 2-3 hours as this will allow them to ingest enough calories throughout the day to overcome the fast metabilism. It is important however, for health reasons to stay away from the heavily processed foods!
In terms of working out, ectomorphs should train heavy but not for a long time or often - perhaps 1 hour 3 times a week. They should avoid lengthy cardio sessions as it would be detrimental to weight gain. It is reccommended to train a combination of two to three exercises per body part, consisting of 3-4 sets of each with 6-10 reps for maximum effect. Examples of exercises are squats, bench presses, deadlifts and rows.
The mesomorph body type has the ability to burn fat and build lean mass with equal ease. They are prone to muscularity and can alter their body composition with minor exercise and diet. They tend to be successful at most sports except endurance based events. Bodybuilding is also more successful with the mesomorph body type. They will be well proportioned, muscular, strong, prone to having a high metabolism and responsive to workout routines.
By cutting back on carbs, increasing protein and increasing exercise, mesomorphs can easily change their composition. Fat loss can be achieved through regular eating every 2-3 hours in smaller quantities. They should avoid processed foods, and snack on food high in protein and fruit. Proteing bars and shakes are also reccommended. A healthy diet for the mesomorph would be:
-40% carbohydrates (vegetables, fruit, complex carbs)
-30% protein (salmon, chicken, eggs)
-30% fat (extra virgin olive oil, nuts, fish oil)
**Females seeking to build lean muscle whilst losing fat should keep to light weights with high repetitions to change body shape. An equal mix of cardio and weights will help to burn fat and build lean muscle tissue. Working the whole body 3 times a week would be ideal. Males on the other hand who are looking for a muscular body should lift heavy weights with fewer reps. Exercises should be multi-jointed - for example squats and deadlifts. Both sexes must minimise rest between sets to around 30 seconds to maximize the potential for muscular development and a change in body composition.
The endomorph body type has a large bone structure and greater amount of total body mass than the other two types. There is a high chance that these body types will be diabetic. Endomorphs are prone to gaining fat easily and prone to losing weight slowly. These people are well suited to power sports such as the shot put and power lifting.
The good thing about this body type is they can develop lean mass relatively easily compared to the ectomorph body type. In terms of the thyroid - they have the opposite effect of the ectomorph - being much slower acting. This means they need to eat significanly less calories to maintain their weight. Many endomorphs have a low carbohydrate tolerance so an immediate diet requirement would be to cut out processed and refined carbs, especially white sugar and flour. They must eat breakfast which wiill help force the metabolism to work. Eating every 2-3 hours will also keep the metabolism going. Hydration and fibre intake is also of paramount importance. The fluid intake helps to transport vital nutrients and flush out waste products. A healthy diet for the endomorph would consist of:
-25-30% carbohydrates (vegetables, fruit, complex carbs)
-35% protein (salmon, chicken, eggs)
-35-40% fat (extra virgin olive oil, nuts, fish oil)
Endomorphs should be working out including both weightlifting and cardio in their programs. Weights should be low to moderate workouts with a high number of repetitions per set. As this body type builds muscle easily it is important to focus on burning calories as a number 1 priority. Short rests between 30 and 60 seconds are reccommended. Good examples of exercises would be circuit training and supersets, aswell as intervals.
Back in the 1930's, Dr. William h. Sheldon , a Harvard Professor, developed a way to classify the human physique according to genetic tendency. He came up with 3 distinct body types. These were known as ectomorph, mesomorph and endomorph.
The ectomorph body type suggests you are slender, generally have narrow shoulders and have a low body fat percentage. Also known as 'hard gainers' for their apparent inability to gain weight and muscle. In many cases, the ectomorph has a hyperactive thyroid, causing them difficulty in gaining weight. For this reason they need to consume alot of calories to maintain weight.
In order to gain weight, this body type must take in many more calories than other body types due to their fast metabolism. They tend to have a higher tolerance to Carbohydrates and proteins, with moderate fat intake. A healthy diet for the typical ectomorph would consist of:
-55% carbohydrates (veg., fruit, complex carbs)
-25% protein (salmon, chicken, eggs)
-20% fat (healthy fats such as extra virgin olive oil, nuts, fish oil, avacado)
The ectomorph body may have to eat substantially more than they are comfortable with - this changes as the body adapts and begins to absorb all the extra food.
Protein requirements for the body type should be anywhere from 0.75g to 1g per kg of bodyweight, as they have a higher lean mass than other types.
For muscle gain, extra protein is required as building blocks. Therefore protein suppliments are recommended.
It is certainly possible for ectomorphs to gain fat however - so it is important to complete some resistance training to keep the fat off and the muscle on as this will achieve a better asthetic effect for the individual. They must eat a large breakfast everyday and eat every 2-3 hours as this will allow them to ingest enough calories throughout the day to overcome the fast metabilism. It is important however, for health reasons to stay away from the heavily processed foods!
In terms of working out, ectomorphs should train heavy but not for a long time or often - perhaps 1 hour 3 times a week. They should avoid lengthy cardio sessions as it would be detrimental to weight gain. It is reccommended to train a combination of two to three exercises per body part, consisting of 3-4 sets of each with 6-10 reps for maximum effect. Examples of exercises are squats, bench presses, deadlifts and rows.
The mesomorph body type has the ability to burn fat and build lean mass with equal ease. They are prone to muscularity and can alter their body composition with minor exercise and diet. They tend to be successful at most sports except endurance based events. Bodybuilding is also more successful with the mesomorph body type. They will be well proportioned, muscular, strong, prone to having a high metabolism and responsive to workout routines.
By cutting back on carbs, increasing protein and increasing exercise, mesomorphs can easily change their composition. Fat loss can be achieved through regular eating every 2-3 hours in smaller quantities. They should avoid processed foods, and snack on food high in protein and fruit. Proteing bars and shakes are also reccommended. A healthy diet for the mesomorph would be:
-40% carbohydrates (vegetables, fruit, complex carbs)
-30% protein (salmon, chicken, eggs)
-30% fat (extra virgin olive oil, nuts, fish oil)
**Females seeking to build lean muscle whilst losing fat should keep to light weights with high repetitions to change body shape. An equal mix of cardio and weights will help to burn fat and build lean muscle tissue. Working the whole body 3 times a week would be ideal. Males on the other hand who are looking for a muscular body should lift heavy weights with fewer reps. Exercises should be multi-jointed - for example squats and deadlifts. Both sexes must minimise rest between sets to around 30 seconds to maximize the potential for muscular development and a change in body composition.
The endomorph body type has a large bone structure and greater amount of total body mass than the other two types. There is a high chance that these body types will be diabetic. Endomorphs are prone to gaining fat easily and prone to losing weight slowly. These people are well suited to power sports such as the shot put and power lifting.
The good thing about this body type is they can develop lean mass relatively easily compared to the ectomorph body type. In terms of the thyroid - they have the opposite effect of the ectomorph - being much slower acting. This means they need to eat significanly less calories to maintain their weight. Many endomorphs have a low carbohydrate tolerance so an immediate diet requirement would be to cut out processed and refined carbs, especially white sugar and flour. They must eat breakfast which wiill help force the metabolism to work. Eating every 2-3 hours will also keep the metabolism going. Hydration and fibre intake is also of paramount importance. The fluid intake helps to transport vital nutrients and flush out waste products. A healthy diet for the endomorph would consist of:
-25-30% carbohydrates (vegetables, fruit, complex carbs)
-35% protein (salmon, chicken, eggs)
-35-40% fat (extra virgin olive oil, nuts, fish oil)
Endomorphs should be working out including both weightlifting and cardio in their programs. Weights should be low to moderate workouts with a high number of repetitions per set. As this body type builds muscle easily it is important to focus on burning calories as a number 1 priority. Short rests between 30 and 60 seconds are reccommended. Good examples of exercises would be circuit training and supersets, aswell as intervals.
Tuesday, 16 March 2010
The Inflammatory Food Nutrition Program
The salad I made used Romaine lettuce, water cress, baby spinich, peppers, cucumber, spring onion, cherry tomatoes and cellery (nice and simple but full of colour!). I grilled a frozen salmon, added some sea salt and pepper to the salad, and drizzled some extra-virgin olive oil over the top. To accompany the meal I had a kiwi fruit and a handfull of blueberries. So a fantastic low carb meal thats full of vitamins and fibre - perfect!
For those of you who havn't signed up but are interested in either the 17 week challenge or the Nutrition Bible, please email me at paul.barette@betafitness.co.uk and I will send them out to you!
Thursday, 11 March 2010
17 Week Challenge PDF Introduction file now available!!!!!!!
The time is almost upon us! The Beta Fitness 17 Week Challenge will start on Monday!! The Introduction PDF file is now available which should explainexactly what the program encompasses and how you can achieve that beach body you've always desired! This program is completly free! - so take advantage of it and make sure you look good in the summer! If your interested in finding out more or want to get hold of the PDF file just email paul.barette@betafitness.co.uk with the subject line '17 week challenge' and the include your name, age, sex, goals for the program, and where you heard about the program.
We look forward to this challenge and will be completing it with you - so lets get ready...and lets work it hard!!!
We look forward to this challenge and will be completing it with you - so lets get ready...and lets work it hard!!!
Beta Fitness
Thursday, 4 March 2010
Rope Outbreak: The Total Body Workout - Teaser
Outbreak is the brand new fitness class brought to you by BETA FITNESS.
This class is like no other you will ever have heard of! Keep checking
back here for the latest news and updates!
The 17 Week Challenge
The Beta Fitness 17 Week Challenge is almost upon us! Follow this program and nutrition advice and we promise you can achieve that body you desire! If you're interested in taking part in the Beta Fitness 17 Week Challenge please send an email to 'paul.barette@betafitness.co.uk' with the subject line '17 week challenge' , and write down your name, age, sex, where you heard about the 17 week challenge, your goals for the program, and any questions you may have! All those who send us the email will shortly recieve the 17 Week challenge PDF file which contains all of the information to get you prepared for the start. Are you ready...?!
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