Saturday, 17 December 2011

'Twelve' the 12 week weight loss course - only a few places left!!

'Twelve' - the brand new 12 weeks weight loss course is almost upon us! Starting the first week of January we're getting you right into the groove with those new year's resolutions! Based at The Gym Group, Guildford, each 'Twelve' participant will be recieving 12 one-one-one personal training sessions, 12 educational presentations giving all the secrets our expert trainer has discovered to burning fat and building lean muscle, up to 24 group exercise classes, the amazing 'Twelve' handbook which contains an additional cardio program, corrective exercise program AND the eating plan to aid the fat loss, weekly measurements including body fat percentage and hip and waist, AND FINALY the ability to shed those pounds and keep them off for the rest of your life.

As a special Christmas offer, we have reduced the price to £250 from the usual £300 so grab yourself an early Christmas present or buy your loved one the a present that will beat the January scales ('January sales - get it?!'). Contact us now at to book your place on this amazing course. Spaces are limited and theres only a few left!!!

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