Just over 1 year ago I started lifting weights. Before that, I was a bit of a cardio junkie - I loved my spinning, loved my long distance running and had played football for a number of the previous years. Although I knew the benefits of resistance training - I could never really find the motivation to get into it - it hurt too much, I couldn't lift much, and I was intimidated by all the big guys in the weights area! BUT...I am a personal trainer and I really do believe that I must practice what I preach. So I wrote out a lifting program 3 times a week and set about doing it. You can see in previous posts the results I gained after only 6 weeks. Over the last year and a bit I have continued to lift weights along with my metabolic workouts and am now the fittest I have ever been. HOWEVER, for those of you who don't know - I am an insulin dependent diabetic - and I am confessing that I have been a very naughty personal trainer. My control has been somewhat erratic for a while and I have not been eating the ideal food for both my diabetes control and also for my fitness goals.
It was last Sunday that I finally realised what was happening. My first night out in town for a good few months obviously meant I had to put the shorts and trackies in the cupboard and get out the jeans and shirt. What a shock it was to see that the clothes I found lose fitting a few months ago were now a struggle to get on! Furthermore the friend I was going out with (all 6 foot 2 of him) mentioned his astonishing weight loss accomplishment which now left him at 12 stone (compared to my almost 13!!). Now I know our body shapes are different and I do have some bulky muscle, but I knew that I should be doing better. So my mind starting cranking and it told me to create 'The 12 Stone Challenge'. And so now it begins...
You can see from the attached photo the changes I have made to my body over the last year. Now its time to lean it out. I want those abs. So my nutrition, diabetes control, and workouts are hitting a new level and I am determined to show you all that it can be done. Keep following the blog to see my regular updates on my goals and updated photos. Looking forward to a tough but exciting new challenge...
Beta Fitness